Dr.Dhanya Ramachandran

Dr.Dhanya Ramachandran

Dr.Dhanya Ramachandran

Assistant Professor

Educational Qualifications :     MSc , Mphil , PhD  ( Mathematics)

Areas of interest :                       Numerical Analysis

Teaching Experience :               15.5 years

  • Worked as Lecturer in Department of Science and Humanities,  Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology, TVM during the period 21-06-2006  to 21-05-2007 and from  02-07-2008 to 30-06-2010.
  • Worked as Assistant Professor in Department of Science and  Humanities,  Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology, TVM during the period 01-07-2010  to  24-11-2020.

Number of seminars/Workshops attended: International – 3 , National – 6, Workshops - 6

Publications :         

  1. Inverse cubic spline, International journal of mathematics and mathematical sciences, vol.12, No.1 (January- June 2016):41-52, Serial publications, ISSN: 0973-3329.
  2. Inverse cubic spline by applying reversion of series method, Journal of natural sciences and mathematics, Qassim university, Vol.10, No:1, pp:71-86, (Januray 2017/Rabi II 1437H.)
  3. Bivariate cubic spline interpolation, International journal of mathematics and its  applications, Volume 5, Issue 1-c (2017), 397-400, ISSN: 2347-1557, JS publication.
  4. Two variable cubic spline Interpolation, IOSR journal of mathematics (IOSR-JM) , e-ISSN: 2278-5728, p-ISSN: 2319-765X, Volume 13, Issue 1, Version VI (January-Feburary 2017), pp: 01-05.
  5. Minimizing property of  two variable cubic spline interpolation, International journal of  mathematics and its applications ,Volume 5, Issue 3-A (2017), 39-42, ISSN: 2347-1557, JS publication.
  6. Interpolation by inverse cubic spline Method, International journal of mathematics trends  and technology (IJMTT), Volume- 43, Number 4, march 2017, ISSN: 2231-5373, pp:256-259.
  7. Comparison of inverse cubic spline formulae, Bulletin of Kerala Mathematics Association  Vol.15, No.2, (2017 December) 229-233.
  8. Inverse quartic spline interpolation using polynomial iteration method , International Review of Pure and Applied Mathematics , Volume 14, No:2 , July-December 2018, ISSN: 0973-1350, pp:105-113.

Presentations :

  1. Presented a paper entitled “ Interpolation by Inverse Cubic Spline Method “ in the    International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Technology, Science and Management on 24th March 2017 at Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
  2. Presented a paper titled “ Cubic Spline Interpolation of Two Variables” in the National  Conference on Mathematical Methods for Engineering Applications ( NACMMEA-17) organized by Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology jointly with KMA and Co-Sponsored by SERB(DST), NBHM(DAE) and KSCSTE on 27-29 July 2017
  3. Presented a paper titled “Sines and Interpolation” in the Annual Researcher’s Day on 28th march 2016 at Mar Ivanios College, Trivandrum.

Training  given:

  1. Served as  resource  person in the FDP ‘’Workshop on Advanced Engineering Mathematics’’ organized by Teaching Learning Centre of Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology.
  2. Gave a talk on “ Hidden beauty of Mathematics “ at All Saint’s College , TVM during Mathematics Association Inauguration .

