Dr Anoosh Varghese

Dr Anoosh Varghese

Dr Anoosh Varghese

Assistant Professor of Botany


M.Sc, B.Ed, Ph.D

Areas of Interest

  • Plant Reproductive Biology

  • Conservation Biology

    Teaching experience: 02 years


  • Anoosh Varghese and A. K. Sreekala (2020). Vivipary in Syzygium occidentale (Bourd.) Gandhi (Myrtaceae), a vulnerable riparian tree species of the Western Ghats. Phytomorphology. 70 (1&2): 47-50.

  • A.K. Sreekala, C. Anilkumar, Anoosh Varghese and S. Shefeek (2019) Reproductive biology of Xylia xylocarpa Roxb. (Fabaceae). Journal of Palynology (55) : 1-10.

  • Deepthikumary, K.P., Sreekala, A.K. and Anoosh Varghese (2019) Breeding System and Seed Biology of Humboldtia vahliana Wight. (Fabaceae) –A Western Ghats Endemic. Global Journal of Bio-Science and Biotechnology, Vol.8 (2) 2019: 149-155.

  • Deepthy Kumary, K. P., Sreekala, A. K. & Anoosh Varghese (2017). Pollination Biology of Humboldtia vahliana Wight. (Fabaceae) – An Endemic tree of Southern Western Ghats. Journal of Palynology 53: 13-23.

  • Presentations

  • Anoosh Varghese and A. K. Sreekala (2022) Breeding System of Syzygium occidentale (Bourd.) Gandhi; a vulnerable riparian tree species of the Western Ghats in International Conference on Biodiversity of India: Exploration, Exploitation and Conservation for sustainable development (ICB-01) organized by Department of Botany Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Adarsha Mahavidyalaya, Behali, Assam held on 5th January, 2022

  • Anoosh Varghese and A.K. Sreekala (2019) Approaches on conservation of an endemic tree species Syzygium occidentale (Bourd.) Gandhi with special reference to seed biology on National Seminar-Advances and Applications in Plant Science organised by Department of Botany, University of Kerala on 6-8 February 2019.

  • A.K. Sreekala, Anoosh Varghese, Hema Somanathan , C. Anilkumar , K.K. Sabu and Shefeek. S (2018) Ecological perspectives of Xylia xylocarpa (roxb.) taub. (Fabaceae ) seed biology in the Indo- Mexican seminar held at JNTBGRI, Palode on 13th April 2018.

  • Anoosh Varghese and A.K. Sreekala (2017) Floral Morphometry and Palynological Aspects of Syzygium occidentale (Bourd.) Gandhi., A vulnerable Tree Species of the Western Ghats in IIAT annual conference 2017 held at University of Delhi, Delhi on 10th – 12th November 2017.

  • Anoosh Varghese and Sreekala. A. K. Floral structure and phenology of Syzygium occidentale (Bourd). Gandhi . (Myrtaceae) an endemic tree from Westerm Ghats in National Conference on Biodiversity Conservation, Utilization , Future prospects organised by Department of Botany, GRIDU, Gandhigram held on Gandhigram Rural Institute and Deemed University Gandhigram, Tamil Nadu on 16th and 17th February 2017.

  • Sharmila, S., Anoosh Varghese, Nazarudeen, A and Pandurangan, A.G. An assessment of Native Mango Diversity in Kerala : A practical approach for conservation in International seminar on Advancements in Angiosperm Systematics and Conservation organised by IAAT and Deartmrnt of Botan, Calicut University held at Calicut University on 19th to 21st November 2015.

  • Sharmila, S., Anoosh Varghese, Nazarudeen, A and Pandurangan, A.G. Native Mango varieties of Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala, India : A Case study in National Seminar on Advancement of Biosystematics on Biosystematics organised by Department of Botany Sree Narayana College, Sivagiri, Varkala held at S.N. College Varkala on 8th and 9th October 2015.

  • Anoosh Varghese, Nazarudeen, A and Pandurangan, A.G. Varietal wealth of mango in Kerala : a case study in National Seminar on New Frontiers in Plant Sciences and Biotechnology organised by Department of Botany, University of Goa held at University of Goa, 29th to 30th January 2015.

  • Book Chapter

  • Anoosh Varghese and A. K. Sreekala (2022) Breeding system of Syzygium occidentale (Bourd.) Gandhi; a vulnerable riparian tree species of the Western Ghats in S. I Bhuyan et al., (Eds). Biodiversity : Exploration, Exploitation and Conservation. Research Culture Society and Publication (28-35). ISBN : 978-93-92504-01-3. 

  • Anoosh Varghese & A. K. Sreekala (2017). Floral biology of Syzygium occidentale (Bourd.) Ghandhi (Myrtaceae): A Western Ghats endemic. Journal of Palynology 53: 1-11.
